Gripping Vs. Engaging

Gripping was a long process of unlearning for me and only in the last few years has it really sunk in. Gripping is when we engage our muscles so that they are at their shortest state and keep them there. If our muscles remain at their shortest state, they are not able to do their job well.

Think about a rubber band. A rubber band only holds things together when it is lengthened and there is tension in the band. And if it gets lengthened too far, it becomes fragile and has the potential to snap. The flexibility and power is in the middle (range of motion). Now, this is an imperfect analogy. As humans, we have the ability to shift and grow our range of motion through exercise, weightlifting, stretching, etc.

Here’s a very simple demonstration you can try right now: Start with your shoulders relaxed. Roll them up back and down a few times, like you’re warming them up. A lot of muscles are shortening and lengthening during this movement, especially your traps. Now, start with your shoulders up by your ears. Like you’ve been surprised and can’t relax. Try to roll your shoulders now. Maybe you get a little bit of movement, but not much. Because your traps are shortened, they no longer have anymore power to move your shoulders.

This concept becomes particularly important when we think about our glutes and hamstring flexibility. Next Nimble Notes I’ll be breaking down hip hinging and how we can take full advantage of the power of our glutes.


Try This: Active Low Lunge


Let’s Try This: Child’s Pose, but Different